Linklist demo

This page shows a list of links to other sites in the center area and the same list on the right side. For each link an image can be selected which will be scaled to 48 x 48 pixels. To activate this feature, the OpenCms configuration file opencms-vfs.xml has to be modified by changing the parameter value of the image loader node to true:

<LOADER class="org.opencms.loader.CmsImageLoader">
	<PARAM name="image.scaling.enabled">true</PARAM>

To get a categorized view, simply create a subfolder structure in the folder /modules/linklist/ . Each folder is displayed as a single category, using the "Title" property of the folder as category name.

Interesting links concerning OpenCms

The following link list contains example links to OpenCms related websites.

Alkacon Software GmbH
Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts

OpenCms website
The OpenCms website provides information about OpenCms - The Open Source Content Management System.

Link list

Alkacon Software GmbH
Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts

OpenCms website
The OpenCms website provides information about OpenCms - The Open Source Content Management System.

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