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Search configuration: Index Sources

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Index source configuration

An index source is a configuration of Cms resources to be indexed.

	<indexer class="..." />

Configuration nodes

  • the <name> node gives the index source a unique name. the value of the <source> nodes in an index configuration and the value of a <name> node in an index source configuration have to match
  • the <indexer> node specifies the package/class name of the indexer used to pull the content of Cms resources into Lucene index documents using the document factories configured in the documenttype nodes
  • each <resource> node specifies a Cms resource (typically a folder) to be indexed, including it's full site root
  • each <name> node below the <documenttypes-indexed> node specifies the name of a resource type to be indexed within the specified Cms resources. the value of a <name> node here has to match the value of a <name> node configured above in the <documenttype> nodes.

Example 1

This example shows how to configure the index source for all VFS resources in the default site:

	<indexer class="org.opencms.search.CmsVfsIndexer" />

Example 2

This example shows how to configure the index source for the data of a COS module:

	<indexer class="com.opencms.legacy.CmsCosIndexer">
		<param name="displayuri">/shownews.html</param>
		<param name="displayparam">id</param>				

Available indexers

  • org.opencms.search.CmsVfsIndexer
    is used to index VFS resources
  • com.opencms.legacy.CmsCosIndexer
    is used to index COS module data

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