Global configuration options

Each templateone microsite needs a configuration folder that provides the data to create an individual appearance. This folder is automatically copied when creating a new microsite. For each microsite folder, the property value "style_main_configpath" must point to the configuration folder. This folder contains 4 XML content style configuration files.

  • configuration_common: Global templateone configuration options
    • set the navigation behaviour
    • set the default template version to display, accessible or classic
    • optional configuration options for a login page, texts for the "recommend page" and the "letter to the editor" function
  • configuration_css: Defines the values for the CSS style sheet to modify
    • defines the different colors for each template item, e.g. borders, navigation colors, background
    • optional configuration of heading sizes and colors
    • set the background image for the left navigation
  • configuration_links: Defines the links appearing in the top head area of the template.
  • configuration_imprint: Information data to be used when clicking on the imprint link in the template foot.

Have a look at possible layout styles by browsing the contents of the OpenCms Modules demo folder or the Xml Content demo folder. Each microsite uses the same template!


Other options for templateone are selectable by using properties on files or folders. These properties can be set by using the "Properties" option of the file context menu in the Explorer view of OpenCms. For files or folders using templateone, a customized property dialog is provided. This dialog can be used to configure the following items:

  • set common properties like "Title", "Description", "Keywords"
  • manage navigation properties
  • define the image to use in the template head area
  • show editable items left below the navigation or in the right column
  • define the displayed list(s) of XML contents like news messages in the center or right area of the template

Using XML Contents

Templateone provides four XML content types that are usable out of the box. Have a look at the OpenCms Modules demo pages to get an overview over their capabilities.

In order to use these contents, each microsite has to contain a "modules/" subfolder with the correct substructure. When creating a new microsite, this folder is automatically created.

Additional elements on the side can be added by the template.

Using the "style_side_uri" property, you can point to a different page resource that the template displays on the side of the page, like this text here. This allows you to create content that can be re-used on many pages on the website.

Use this feature for special announcements or other shared content.

Top of page | Recommend page | Print version | Contact | Classic Version | Imprint 

Menu navigation

The following links are used to build the DHTML menu navigation entries.