Project Events
FP7 Info-day and Workshop, Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Science and Technology Sphere, 28-29/02/2008
28/2/2008 - 29/2/2008, Minsk, BelarusThe Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Science and Technology Sphere is organising an Information Day and Workshop on the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, within the framework of the NIS-NEST project. The event will take place on 28-29 February 2008 in Minsk and the participation is free of charge. The objective of the event is to train researchers from NIS in participating to the preparation of a competitive proposal for FP7.
For more information please contact:
Ms Tatyana Lyadnova, email: [email protected]
For more information please download the following Agenda
For registration to the event, please fill out the registration form
Photos (Partners only)
FP7 Workshop, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 25-26/10/2007
25/10/2007 - 26/10/2007, Moscow, RussiaThe M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University is organising a 2-days workshop on the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, within the framework of the NIS-NEST project. The event will take place on 25-26 October 2007 in Moscow and the participation is free of charge.
The objective of this two-day course is to train researchers from NIS in participating to the preparation of a competitive proposal for FP7. Participants to these workshops will be selected mainly on the basis of their previous experience in participation in Framework Programmes.
Please express your interest for participation by contacting:
Dr Svetlana Mamakina, email:
For more information please download the following Agenda
Photos (Partners only)
FP7 Workshop, SPb State Polytechnic University, 23/10/2007
23/10/2007 - 23/10/2007, St Petersburg, RussiaThe SPb State Polytechnic University is organising a workshop on the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, within the framework of the NIS-NEST project. The event will take place on 23 October 2007 in St Petersburg and the participation is free of charge.
The objective of this two-day course is to train researchers from NIS in participating to the preparation of a competitive proposal for FP7. Participants to these workshops will be selected mainly on the basis of their previous experience in participation in Framework Programmes.
Please express your interest for participation by contacting:
Dr Sergey Kozyrev, email:
For more information please download the following Agenda
Photos (Partners only)
FP7 Workshop, Academy of Sciences of Moldova/ Center of Optoelectronics of the Institute of Applied Physics, 4-5/10/2007
4/10/2007 - 5/10/2007, Chisinau, MoldovaThe Academy of Sciences of Moldova/ Center of Optoelectronics of the Institute of Applied Physics is organising a 2-days workshop on the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, within the framework of the NIS-NEST project. The event will take place on 4-5 October 2007 in Chisinau and the participation is free of charge.
The objective of this two-day course is to train researchers from NIS in participating to the preparation of a competitive proposal for FP7. Participants to these workshops will be selected mainly on the basis of their previous experience in participation in Framework Programmes.
Please express your interest for participation by contacting:
Dr Maria Iovu, email:
For more information please download the following Agenda
Photos (Partners only)
FP7 Workshop, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 2-3/10/2007
2/10/2007 - 3/10/2007, Kiev, UkraineThe Institute of Semiconductor Physics/ National Academy of Science of Ukraine is organising a 2-days workshop on the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, within the framework of the NIS-NEST project. The event will take place on 2-3 October 2007 in Kiev and the participation is free of charge.
The objective of this two-day course is to train researchers from NIS in participating to the preparation of a competitive proposal for FP7. Participants to these workshops will be selected mainly on the basis of their previous experience in participation in Framework Programmes.
Please express your interest for participation by contacting:
Prof. Aleaxander Belyaev, email:
For more information please download the following Agenda
Photos (Partners only)
For more information please contact:
FP7 Information Day, Academy of Sciences of Moldova / Center of Optoelectronics of the Institute of Applied Physics
30/3/2007 , Chisinau, MoldovaThe Academy of Sciences of Moldova/ Center of Optoelectronics of the Institute of Applied Physics is organising an information day on the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, within the framework of the NIS-NEST project. The event will take place on 30 March 2007, at 9am and the participation is free of charge. The agenda will include the following topics:
- Participation of Eastern European Countries in Framework Programmes;
- The NIS-NEST project and its support to FP7;
- Introduction to the 7th FP for R&D of the EC: Highlights and Opportunities of individual researchers and research organisations from Eastern European Countries for participation in frontier research areas;
- Rules of participation, financial issues, proposal submission and evaluation.
For more information please visit:
For more information please download the following Agenda
For registration to the event, please fill out the registration form
Photos (Partners only)
For more information please contact:
Dr Mihail Iovu
E-mail:[email protected]
Tel.:+373 22 728807
Fax.:+373 22 728807 Dr Maria Iovu
E-mail:[email protected]
Tel.:+373 22 272254
Fax.:+373 22 728807
FP7 Information Day, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine
23/2/2007 , Kiev, UkraineThe Institute of Semiconductor Physics/ National Academy of Science of Ukraine is organising an information day on the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, within the framework of the NIS-NEST project. The event will take place on 23 February 2007, at 9am and the participation is free of charge.
The agenda will include the following topics:
- Participation of NIS Countries in Framework Programmes;
- The NIS-NEST project and its support to FP7;
- Introduction to the 7th FP for R&D of the EC: Highlights and Opportunities of individual researchers and research organisations from Eastern European Countries for participation in frontier research areas;
- Rules of participation, financial issues, proposal submission and evaluation.
For more information please visit:
For more information please download the following Agenda
For registration to the event, please fill out the registration form
Photos (Partners only)
For more information please contact:
Prof. Alexander Belyaev
E-mail:[email protected]
FP7 Information Day, Lomonosov Moscow State University
21/2/2007 , Moscow, RussiaThe M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University is organising an information day on the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, within the framework of the NIS-NEST project. The event will take place on 21 February 2007, at 9am and the participation is free of charge. The agenda will include the following topics:
- Participation of NIS Countries in Framework Programmes;
- The NIS-NEST project and its support to FP7;
- Introduction to the 7th FP for R&D of the EC: Highlights and Oopportunities of individual researchers and research organisations from Eastern European Countries for participation in frontier research areas;
- Rules of participation, financial issues, proposal submission and evaluation.
For more information please visit:
For more information please download the following Agenda
For registration to the event, please fill out the registration form
Photos (Partners only)
For more information please contact:
Dr Svetlana Mamakina, Deputy Vice-Rector of M.V. Lomonosov University
E-mail:[email protected]
FP7 Information Day, SPb State Polytechnic University
20/2/2007 , St Petersburg, RussiaThe SPb State Polytechnic University is organising an information day on the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, within the framework of the NIS-NEST project. The event will take place on 20 February 2007, at 9am and the participation is free of charge. The agenda will include the following topics:
- Participation of NIS Countries in Framework Programmes;
- The NIS-NEST project and its support to FP7;
- Introduction to the 7th FP for R&D of the EC: Highlights and Oopportunities of individual researchers and research organisations from Eastern European Countries for participation in frontier research areas;
- Rules of participation, financial issues, proposal submission and evaluation.
For more information please visit:
For more information please download the following Agenda
For registration to the event, please fill out the registration form
Photos (Partners only)
For more information please contact:
Dr Sergey Kozyrev, Director of CAS
E-mail:[email protected]