Related R&D Events
AITTH'2008: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Telemedicine Technologies for Health, October 2008, Minsk
1/10/2008 - 3/10/2008, Minsk, BelarusThe 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Telemedicine Technologies for Health, will be held in, Minsk, Belarus, on October 1-3, 2008. This conference is organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the United Institute of Informatics Problems, and sponsored by the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC). The conference AITTH'2008 aim is to discuss fundamental problems of computerization of health care and medical research based on advanced information technologies and intelligent systems for computer-assisted diagnosis in public health services; to disseminate research results, to share relevant experience and to co-ordinate activities on development and implementation of telemedicine systems.
The conference will adress 19 topics:
1. International and National Approaches to eHealth
2. Innovative eHealth and Telemedicine Services, Applications and Products
3. Empowering Patients and Supporting Self-Care and Shared-Care systems
4. Electronic Health Records, Medical Databases and Patient Data Privacy
5. Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Decision Support, Knowledge Management
6. Bioinformatics, Sequence Analysis, Structural Biology and Comparative Genomics
7. Medical Image Analysis
8. PACS and Medical Image Retrieval
9. Biomedical Data mining and Knowledge discovery
10. Digital Anatomy, Computerized Atlases, Biomedical Visualization
11. Telemedicine, Telehealth and Remote Monitoring
12. Internet in Telemedicine and Disease Symptom enlightenment
13. Education in eHealth and Telemedicine, Distant education
14. IT Infrastructure of eHealth, GRID-computing and Wireless Networks
15. Diagnostic/Monitoring systems and devices
16. eHealth experience and best practices
17. Legal, Social, Ethical and Financial Aspects of eHealth
18. New Directions for eHealth Policies
19. Satellites and eHealth
Paper submission deadline - 15 May 2008
Notification of acceptance - 30 June 2008
For more information please visit: [email protected]
5th International Conference "Materials and coatings under extreme conditions"
22/9/2008 - 26/9/2008, UkraineThe 5th International Conference "Materials and coatings under extreme conditions": Studies, Applications, Environmentally Friendly Technologies of production and utilisation of Products" will be hel on September 22-26th, 2008, in Zhukovka, Bolshaya Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine.
The conference is organised under auspices of
Federation of European Materials Research Societies and EUREKA Secretariat.
The conference will address height topics:
A. The principles of the design of materials and coatings for the extreme conditions.
B. Scientific background and computer modeling of the processes for the fabrication of the materials and coatings for the extreme conditions.
C. Perspective technologies of the production of the materials and coatings for the extreme conditions.
D. The structure and properties of the materials and coatings for the extreme conditions.
E. Special seminar “The heat-shielding coatings”.
F. The experimental results on the application of the materials and coatings in natural extreme conditions.
G. Possibilities and modern technologies of processing of the industrial waste for the fabrication of constructional, facing and other materials.
H. Scientific, organizing and information issues of the collaboration of the material scientists.
Abstracts submission deadline – April, 1, 2008.
Pirnach T.P., Levina D.A.,
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of NASU,
3, Krzhyzhanovsky Str., Kiev, 03680, Ukraine
Tel.: +38 (044) 424-32-31, FAX?: +38 (044) 424-21-31
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information please visit:
The Second Saint-Petersburg International Conference on NanoBiotechnologies
16/6/2008 - 18/6/2008, St Petersburg, RussiaNanobiotechnology is at the interface of physical and biological sciences. The aim of the NANOBIO'08 event is to set the discussion between biologists, physicists, computer scientists and engineers, traditionally divided groups, and bridge the gap between materials science and life science. During NanoBio'08 conference a special session will be devoted to the responsible approach of development of Nanobiotechnology. The main objective of the special session is to discuss joining of Russia to the bodies responsible for international cooperation on environmental, health and safety impacts of nanobiotechnology; to present and to launch Russian Technology Platform "Nanobiotechnology. The session will provide new possibilities for strengthening and enhancing international cooperation between European and Russian scientists in the area of Nanobiotechnology, in particular in the fields affiliated to the Thematic Priority 4 of FP7 - NMP.
For registration to the event
please visit:
or contact:
Local Organizing Committee of the Saint-Petersburg International Conference on Nanobiotechnologies, NanoBio'2008.
29 Polytechnicheskaya st., 195251 St. Petersburg, Russia

Fax: +7 (812) 297 20 88 Add.:

For more information please visit:
Rusera-EXE project seminar on EU-Russia research cooperation
30/1/2008 - 1/2/2008, Vienna, AustriaA seminar on opportunities and challenges for EU-Russia research, technology and development (RTD) cooperation will take place in Vienna, Austria, on 30 January to 1 February. The aims of the event are to:
- share experiences and good practice on EU-Russian RTD cooperation in the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) and other funding programmes;
- improve the ability of Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) multipliers, including National Contact Points (NCPs) in Europe and Russia, to support their researchers;
- network researchers and other stakeholders active in EU-Russian cooperation;
- provide advanced training on FP7.
A variety of experienced European and Russian researchers and other stakeholders will provide valuable insight into cooperation experiences, successful scientific relationships, cultural behaviour patterns, challenging situations, current practical obstacles and solutions found. The RUSERA EXE consortium, which is organising the event, will present the outcomes of its analysis of EU-Russian cooperation in FP6 (and other funding programmes).
For more information please visit:
FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-2008 workshop, Lomonosov Moscow State University
4/12/2007 , Moscow, RussiaThe Delegation of the European Commission to Russia and the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University are organising a workshop on the specific programme PEOPLE of the 7th Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission. The event will take place on 4 December2007 in Moscow and the participation is free of charge. Dr Barbara Rhode, Advisor of European Commission / DG Research, will deliver presentations on the "FP7 International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)”, a new grant programme under FP7 to support academic staff exchanges as well as other FP7 "Marie Curie fellowship schemes" which are open to researchers and host organisations from so-called third countries such as Russia.
The event is supported by the Russian FP7 Contact Point for the specific Programme People .
For registration and more information please contact:
Ms Irina Rogotskaya , email:
For more information please visit: /nisnest/Agenda_Moscow_041207.doc
Scenarios for a Co-ordinated Approach to Sustainable S&T Co-operation with the Eastern Neighbours of the EU
3/12/2007 - 4/12/2007, Moscow, RussiaAn International Conference "Scenarios for a Co-ordinated Approach to Sustainable S&T Co-operation with the Eastern Neighbours of the EU" , is organised within the framework of the SCOPE-EAST project, and will take place on 3 and 4 of December 2007 in Moscow, Russia.
Four thematic workshops will be organised in the following strategic research areas of mutual interest: 1)Biotechnology: Systems Biology of Plants, 2)Health: Infectious Diseases, 3)Nanotechnology: Nano-Photonics, Impact of Nano-Materials on Health and Environment and 4) Energy: Biofuels, Foresight Research in Energy.
Researchers representing these fields from Russia, Ukraine, EU Member States and Associated Candidate States will discuss the present state of co-operation, identify cooperation potential and develop new joint initiatives. At the same time, a policy maker forum will be organised focusing on the discussion of S&T strategies, instruments and joint actions to achieve optimum coherence between national/bilateral co-operation schemes and the EU research activities and other policies such as the European Neighbourhood Policy and the EU-Russia Four Common Spaces.
Conference venue: State University – Higher School of Economics, Myasnitskaya St., 20, Moscow, Russia.
For more information please contact Ms. Elena Dybtsyna (email: )
For more information please visit: /nisnest/Agenda_03_and_04-12-07.doc
Future of Science and Technology in Europe
8/10/2007 - 10/10/2007, Lisbon, PortugalThe European Commission Directorate General for Research and the Portuguese Presidency organized the High-level Conference on "The Future of Science and Technology in Europe" in Lisbon, Portugal which took place from 8 to 10 October 2007. The Conference provided a large forum for analysis and discussion for more than 400 participants.
The conference consisted of a series of sessions aimed at discussing a broad range of issues at the centre of the debate on future research policy developments in the EU and brought together many of the relevant institutional actors and stakeholders. The topics for plenary sessions included 'Challenges for Science and Technology in Europe', 'Promoting and Attracting Human Resources in S&T', 'Increasing Private Investment in R&D', 'Boosting Public Investment in R&D' and 'A Vision for the Future of S&T in Europe'. Up to nine parallel sessions took also place covering each of the main issues raised in the Green Paper and some additional cross-cutting topics such as ' ERA Rationales', 'Governance issues and links with Lisbon strategy' and 'Science in Society'.
For more information please visit:
Responding to Global Challenges: the role of Europe and of International Science and Technology Cooperation, Brussels 4-5 October 2007
4/10/2007 - 5/10/2007, BrusselsDG RTD from the European Commission has launched a series of consultation activities on the occasion of the publication of the European Research Area (ERA) Green Paper (available at The workshop on "Global Challenges" will be one of a series of workshops aiming at consulting the scientific community and other relevant stakeholders about an EU International S&T (including Social Science and Humanities) Cooperation Strategy for the years to come. The main objective will be to discuss what are the global challenges over the next years that would require global research concentrated efforts and would call for the setting up or the reinforcement of existing international research structures/mechanisms, where Europe could have a key role. Presentations of the event are now available.
For more information please visit:
International Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science
19/9/2007 , Chisinau, MoldovaICMCS-2007 continues the series of International Conferences in the field of micro- and opto-electronics, computer science and communications. The conference, organised by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the Technical University of Moldova, aims at bringing together scientists and engineers dealing with fundamental and applied research for reporting on the latest theoretical developments and applications in the fields involved.
For more information please visit:
European Patent Office to collaborate with Russian Patent Office
17/7/2007 , Moscow, RussiaThe European Patent Office (EPO) in collaboration with the Russian Patent Office, Rospatent will organize a conference titled 'Patent Information for Innovations' which will take place on Tuesday, 17 July 2007 at the Rospatent premises in Moscow, Russia.
The conference is designed to promote awareness of and access to online patent information in the research and innovation community in Russian. The conference will include a demonstration of the Espacenet information service and will include contributions from European and Russian patent and innovation policy makers.
For more information please visit:
International Conference: EU-Russia Cooperation - Priorities for Science and Technology 2007-2013
22/2/2007 , Moscow, RussiaAn International Conference "EU-Russia Co-operation: Priorities for Science and Technology 2007-2013" will take place on Thursday, 22 February 2007, in Moscow. The conference is organised jointly by the Ministry of Education & Science of the Russian Federation and the European Commission, with the support of the German Presidency of the European Union and the participation of the Russian State University - Higher School of Economics.
The conference is devoted to strengthening international S&T co-operation between Russia and the EU in the period 2007-2013.
For more information please visit:
Dissemination & Brokerage Event of NEST-PROMISE
9/7/2006 - 9/7/2007, Brussels, BelgiumThis event is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the link between the Commission-driven FP6/FP7 activities and the ScC-driven ERC activities with "Frontier Research" as the common denominator. The participation to the event is free of charge but subject to registration (
The event will start on the 9 July with a key note speaker from the Industry, and will continue on the following day with presentations from the European Commission, the European Research Council (IDEAS Programme), PEOPLE Programme, COOPERATION Programme (ERA-NET Scheme), EURYI Winner and Marie Curie Excellence Award Winner, a Journalist from El Pais and the European Platform of Women Scientists. The event will end with the participation of different stakeholders to Focus Group Round Tables aiming at pursuing particular subsets of unresolved issues and consider strategies for the successful funding and encouragement of highly innovative, risky and multidisciplinary science. Presentations will focus on European and National Funding Programmes & Opportunities, as well as Case Studies of multidisciplinary, high-risky and visionary research, and provide an analysis, dissemination, and experience sharing of the methodological and social impact experiences of Europe’s NEST-like Programmes.
For more information please visit: