Welcome to the website of the project ERA-MED
In this website you can find information about activities and events that will bring the partners towards their goal to strengthen the European Research Area in the Mediterranean Countries (MPCs). This project will build on the achievements of previous initiatives funded by the European Commission, such as the EuroMEDANet and EuroMEDANet2 projects , which stimulated the participation of the MPCs in EU-funded R&D research.
ERA-MED, also co-funded by the European Commission under the INCO measures of the 6th Framework Programme (FP6), will aim to ensure continuity between FP6 (a four-year programme which concluded at the end of 2006) and FP7 (which was launched in January 2007 and will run for seven years) by further integrating the research potential of the Mediterranean region.
last update 9/12/2008