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OpenCms 6.0 interactive documentation:

Documentation Overview

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Welcome to the OpenCms 6.0 interactive documentation

This documentation has been developed by Alkacon Software (http://www.alkacon.com) - the OpenCms experts. We offer standard service and support packages for OpenCms, providing an optional layer of security and convenience often required for mission critical OpenCms projects. For more information about our services, please contact us at .

This documentation is true open source software, published under the GPL license by Alkacon Software GmbH. We certainly welcome all contributions and feedback to this documentation.

This documentation consists of various chapters maintained in separate modules. You can download all the available modules from http://www.alkacon.com/downloads/ .

The following content is installed at your system:

folder OpenCms JSP basic documentation

A basic introduction to JSP in OpenCms: How to create, edit & publish a JSP, options to access the OpenCms system and some technical background information.

folder OpenCms JSP taglib documentation

OpenCms includes it's own JSP taglib. This is the reference documentation (with test cases) for each tag of the OpenCms Taglib.

folder OpenCms JSP scriptlet documentation

Learn here how to use the same functionality offered by the OpenCms JSP taglib in JSP scriptlet code in your JSPs.

folder OpenCms Flexcache documentation

The Flexcache can cache JSP output to increase the speed of page delivery. This is the complete documentation of all FlexCache configuration options and parameters to set up your page caching policy using the Flexcache.

folder OpenCms module documentation

Get acquainted with the OpenCms module mechanism that allows you to easily bundle and distribute templates and JSPs.

folder OpenCms XML content documentation

OpenCms features XML content objects maintained in the OpenCms VFS. They allow form based editing of their contents. This documentation describes how to create and show XML contents.

folder OpenCms direct edit examples

The OpenCms direct editing feature allows the direct editing of elements when browsing the pages. These examples show the usage of the direct edit feature in the templates.

folder Flex examples set 1

The first set of tests and examples developed for the OpenCms / JSP Flex integration package. Basic stuff dealing with inclusion, caching, headers and redirects.

folder Flex examples set 2

The second set of tests and examples, including demos on how to build a simple template from JSP.

folder Flex examples set 3

Further test cases and examples for the OpenCms/Flex JSP integration. These are rather specialized as they deal with encoding and inclusion of subelements.

folder Original JSTL 1.0 standard taglib examples

The JSTL will be part of the next JSP/Servlet specification release. These are the original JSTL 1.0 examples imported into OpenCms.

folder Original Tomcat 4.x JSP examples

The original Tomcat 4.x JSP examples imported into OpenCms. Check these out to see what you can do with JSP in OpenCms.

folder Howto: JSP template development

An introduction in the JSP template development with OpenCms. Learn how to create templates for your web site.

folder Howto: Translating the OpenCms workplace

A detailed description how to translate the OpenCms workplace and the online help to another language.

folder Howto: Configuring OpenCms with Apache httpd 2.0, Tomcat and mod_proxy

Explains how to set up a system without the /opencms/opencms path prefix.

folder The OpenCms 6.2.3 API Specification

The Javadoc generated API documentation of OpenCms 6.2.3

folder Howto: Configuring OpenCms for multiple sites

Explains how to set up a system to serve multiple sites.

folder OpenCms Static Export Feature

Documentation to the OpenCms Static Export feature.

folder OpenCms migration documentation

Learn how to migrate an existing OpenCms 5 application (content and templates) to OpenCms 6.

folder OpenCms HTML Import user documentation

Describes the installation and usage of the "Extended HTML Import Module" for OpenCms 6 or higher.

folder OpenCms search documentation

Configuration documentation of the OpenCms search/indexing facility

folder OpenCms search examples

A set of tests demonstrating the integration of the Lucene search engine into OpenCms.

folder Additional Reading

Some pointers to further information about developing JSP based solutions available on the web.

file How to contribute

Check out how you can participate in the OpenCms development.

file OpenCms 6.0 documentation usage license

This documentation is published under the GPL license. Please see this page for further legal information.

©2005 Alkacon Software GmbH (http://www.alkacon.com) - The OpenCms experts