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Source code for: /alkacon-documentation/examples_flex_2/template_test.html

// Create a CmsJspActionElement
org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement cms = new org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response);

// Check for the template
String template = cms.property("template", "search");

// Insert the template head 
cms.include(template, "head"); 

out.println("template_frame.jsp - head element:<br><blockquote>[[");
cms.include("template_frame.jsp", "head");

out.println("<h2>Inclusion test page</h2>");
out.println("<p>This is content from the main test page, surrounded by head and foot elements.</p>");

out.println("template_frame.jsp - foot element:<br><blockquote>[[");
cms.include("template_frame.jsp", "foot");

// Insert the template foot
cms.include(template, "foot"); 

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